
when staying in uni from 11am until 7pm gets boring, you see a sign from god. i saw this poster in a bus stop and realized how much i needed to actually go somewhere and see something.
'Vilnius gallery weekend' was on friday the 9th and saturday the 10th and yet somehow i thought it's going to be on saturday and sunday. guess what? didn't go anywhere on friday.
but that's ok since i had soo much fun on saturday.
firstly me and my boyfriend drove to the city center and found our first stop - 'Akademija'.
on the first floor were a bunch of photos and on the second floor (showed in the picture) were a few child-like drawings and then these two beautiful drawings in the middle of two men. they were incredibly realistic, couldn't imagine how long it took to draw these.
then we went to "artifex", there was a movie showing and also an art piece in the middle buuut we didn't have time to spend so we skipped watching that movie and went on.
Sv. Jono art gallery was amazing, there were so many art pieces and some of them were interactive which was super cool.
so since we were close to the bell tower we decided to go upp and see the beautiful vilnius.
we paid 1.5euros each and started climbing up. my heart nearly stopped from walking up the stairs so much and also because of the fact that those stairs were crackling and looked super unstable. but! there was a lift we didn't use so i guess that's just our fault.

when we finally got to the top we realized how worth all the pain was.

we then walked around the city center, found a bunch of cute spots and buildings like thiss.
then we went to 'briusly' to eat, we couldn't decide on what we wanted to get for about 10 minutes and finally settled on summer rolls and a wok. we waited for more than 30 minutes which was crazy because there weren't that many people. but the food was soo delicious! we paid around 8 euros each which is quite expensive but the food was good so that was worth it.
and that's it! i feel like i could write more posts like these since they are super easy to make and they also document my life.

what's up?

i'm back to studies and everything is different around me. i'm living in a small dorm room, trying to keep myself focused on studies, eating as well as possible and finding some free time. that part isn't that difficult if i find motivation but what is hard - keeping this blog alive without a cute minimalistic background, all the clothes i have, free time and less money than usual.
so i really don't know how i'll keep this blog alive, maybe i'll think of some topics to discuss? i don't know but for now byebye!

outfit #13

what's up with us girls buying new clothes and still wearing the same 2 outfits everyday? i'm not even joking, i wore this outfit at least 7 times already and yet i can't fit my clothes in my closet any more.
bomber - h&m
top - pull&bear
leather pants - zara
shoes - vinted

paris pt.2

tuesday, the 16th
we were so tired of walking that we decided to keep it chill from now on. our plan was to go to petit palais museum and that's it. so, we woke up quite late and decided to grab something to eat. we were dreaming about buying a pizza from domino's and found a domino's nearby. went there, ordered a medium pizza and it was huuge compared to our eating habits. we decided to eat it in a park near a small church, was hard to find a bench to sit on but we did and ate the pizza. a few minutes later a man approached us and started smoking weed next to us, oh, did i forget to mention how much paris smelled like piss and weed?:D i'll never forget that smell.. all that aside we decided to buy breakfast because we already ate everything so we went to leader price, got a bunch of food, came back to our hotel to leave it all and started going to petit palais.
it was beautiful and not petit at all;-) wow, extensive language skills. it was actually like going through a maze, every single room had a different colour and in there would either be paintings, furniture or sculptures. the entrance was free, also you can't really bring water in, at least the first time we saw it from outside someone couldn't get in because of a water bottle (and it's crazy knowing it was about 30-32 degrees). security wasn't so strict the day we went in but it's better not to risk it;
just before closing we went outside to this garden, it was soo beautiful, felt like we were in a movie. sadly, photos don't do justice. we were able to get around for a few minutes and had to leave.
we sat for a while on grass near a fountain and went on.
we luckily found japanese town (i was searching for it because i really wanted to get something for my boyfriend) so we went to k-mart, i got him 2 packs of gummies, 1 pack of sweets for my brother and shrimp chips for me and akvile. have to say, the smell is horrible but at first it was tasteless and the taste only hit in after a while.
i guess that was the way of eating because right before going to our hotel we went to this kebab shop and got ourselves a huge sandwich with chicken and fries. delciousss!
wednesday, the 17th,
we pretty much ran out of ideas what to do but we remembered that we saw montmartre cemetery and decided to go there.
the cemetery was beautiful but we were stupid enough not to think that maybe this isn't the only cemetery in town. and i'm saying this because we thought this is the place where aaall the famous people are buried. well, we were wrong. still, we were happy because it wasn't so hot in the shadows, there were a few spots to fill our water bottle, we saw a lot of cats and we talked a lot about my favourite topic - death:-) just joking. oh, i also found francois truffaut grave and it was awesome because i love his work soo much.
we came back home after a bit of wandering around since, if i remember correctly, we tried to find a shop but we couldn't. we came back, ate, my friend watched basketball, i'm not into sports so i can't comment on that and we decided to get drunkk this evening which is pretty much my sport. 
we bought wine (not that pink shitty one that we purchased i think the second day, it was so disgusting we had to mix it with juice. yup, wine with juice and also fizzy drinks) and went to this canal nearby. we got reaaaly drunk, i got kissed by a passing dog and overall it was a great evening.
thursday, the 18th,
the day of visiting louvre! funny how we didn't limit ourselves to what we wanted to see the first three days and then we would be more than happy to go to one object and that's it:D
so, we didn't rush, went through a different place then usual, sat in a beautiful park with a fountain and perfectly alligned trees. then, the louvre. we had to wait in line for about 3 minutes which is amazing, was hard to find where to go next but after a while we went in. it was also free for us (EU, under 25). roll the photos -
weather was perfect for visiting museums, it was drizzling throughout the whole day.
my hair was literally crazy that day so this photo took a lot of effort;-)
a very dank meme.
i already ranted about mona lisa on my instagram so i won't spread any more hate. but yeah, in conclusion it was worth going there (i mean it was free soo), but it was super humid in there, people acted crazy in front of more well known paintings/sculptures and hardly looked at anything else. also, it's huge, i mean when people say you can spend the entire day here they are not lying. at the end we just wanted to get the hell out of there, that was, of course, after we took a picture of mona lisa to please our parents.
we wanted to eat so badly and decided to find domino's yet again. it started raining so heavily that we stood under a roof/construction for half an hour even though we had an umbrella. finally we got to domino's and got hangry because pizza was so much more expensive there. we decided to get to our good old domino's near us. went a little and found one nearby, not the same but the price was just like the other one's. we sat in front of a restaurant which had A RESTAURANT DOG. it was a dogeee, with a blue lil scarf. honestly, dogs are art to me and louvre didn't make me smiles just as much so get your shit together louvre;)) we came back home and ate, as always.
friday, the 19th
we had 4 more metro tickets and we knew we had to use them up somehow. also, looking at a map with all the famous objects in paris didn't help to find us a place where to go. we sat on our bed for an hour and tried to find something to do in paris. i know, i know, it's crazy to say there was nothing to do because it's clearly untrue but the thing is, we are not parisians. we don't know the secret little places to visit, we don't know what is happening in this city. all we know is what every tourist knows and we really saw soo much in that week. basically, without talking too much about not finding what to do, we decided to go to a restaurant and watch a movie.
we drove with a metro, got to a cinema and bought tickets to woody allen's cafe society. it was only in 2 hours so we went out. it started raining and we didn't bring an umbrella with us so we decided to find a place to eat. everything was so expensive but one place stood out - 9 euros for grilled chicken. we went in and realized it's more of a bar rather than a restaurant. that was a very bad sign:D ordered chicken for both of us and sparkled water. we waited for quite a while and a waitress came to us and told us that they can only make one last portion. we decided to share so we said that it's ok. when she brought us the chicken we had to somehow make ourselves seem serious and professional. ther were to pieces of chicken and believe me when i say that this portion wouldn't even be enough for a toddler. we ate, drank the water, paid and left.
sat near another church-like building and went to the cinema.
this is how it looked from the outside, i was pretty sure it was on purpose and akvile thought that this cinema might be under construction.
the movie was amazing and angering at the same time and we both couldn't brush off the smile of our faces when we left the cinema, it was such a beautiful movie and an amazing ending to our trip.
we came back home, ate, internetted for a while (lets make it a word, shall we?) and started packing up. before coming back to the hotel i bought three packs of maltesers which wasn't the best idea knowing we only had a backpack. but those huge bags went perfectly inside my bomber jacket and i thanked the gods of fashion for creating pockets.
saturday, the 20th
a sleepless night ended and we had to get up, i checked night buses and was terrified - something was wrong with the app i had because when i first checked when do the buses drive to porte maillot it was all fine and it estimated that in about 40 minutes we would be there. and now it said 90 minutes which meant that we would be late for our other bus. that's when akvile opened her uber app. and that's also when she realized that it crashed and isn't working. we started stressing out, the guy who worked at our hotel was no help at all, he barely spoke english and even when i asked something simple he would respond weirdly, like he said to take the metro when at that time of night it didn't even work. there was a family who ordered a driver, i'm saying a driver because he was clearly not a taxi driver. we paid 15 euros each for our 20 minute ride but i wasn't angry since i just didn't want to miss my flight.
but after that disaster everything went just fine and we landed back home.

autumn lookbook.

shirt - h&m
trousers - lindex
shoes - atmosphere
trench coat - thrifted
sweater - h&m
leather trousers - zara
sneakers - atmosphere
bomber jacket - h&m
turtleneck top - h&m
leather trousers - zara
sneakers - brutting
cardigan - gina tricot
top - atmosphere
jeans - lindex
sneakers - atmosphere

a lil haul.

i've been in a deep thought recently and i believe this is the last haul i'm posting. i have had a million clothes throughout my life, i bought a bunch, i sold a bunch, i wore a bunch. but now i really want to cut down on the amount of clothes that i have and i'm going to spend my money on better things like better food, a good face cream never hurt nobody, going to try to save some money for my next trip (hopefully in italy) and stuff like that. so yeah, that's my last haul for at least half a year!

favourites this month.

tv shows.

mr. robot
ok, so it's not necessarily this months favourite because i've loved it since the first season and i'm currently so obsessed with it. firstly, how hot is elliot? but that face aside, the show is incredibly amazing - every 50 min episode shows a bunch of things and from the beginning till the end you're left with your jaw wide open. this is how every single tv show should be but now i'm just glad i stuck with it and can call it my every week pleasure.

stranger things
wow, look at me being all mainstream! this is no surprise that i'm adding this to my list. although i did not find it that interesting at first (since it is quite cliche and many parts seem just like copies of good old movies), i hopped on the liking train quickly after a few more episodes. i don't think i need to comment any more, we've all heard the plot, saw the brilliant eleven and yeah what's there to say? if you haven't watched it, give it a go.

Vaizdo rezultatas pagal užklausą „frank ocean blonde“music.

frank ocean - blonde
firstly, why is it called blonde with an e if album cover says blond?? but ok, let me just breath in before i start talking about this. firstly, 4 years of listening to the same channel orange. it's of course amazing and i still every once in awhile listen to it but recently i hoped to get some good good from frank. and here it is - blond(e). i will not go in depth about this, you can listen to it yourself, search who inspired him, read reviews and all that but now i'm just going to say that it's been my number one (and only) on my phone, i listen to it while going somewhere, making food, it's apparently a good album to cry to too;-) it's hard to say what's my favourite song but for a weird and unknown reason to me i love the second part of nights (starts at around 3:30).

random favourites
kendrick lamar -rigamortis ; outkast - aquemini ; eric b. & rakim - eric b. is president.


i'm that person who listens to the same music for 3 years and never gets bored of it. but lately i've been experimenting with my film and music taste and finding what i might enjoy. so these two websites made it really easy for me to find new music!
http://everynoise.com/engenremap.html - when you go to this you'll be shocked that you've never came across it before since it's so life changing.
http://music-torrent.net/ - not noticing the dumb name helps.. but yeah basically you can (illegally!!! sue me) download full albums and it's been helping me to find new music since i'm not someone who knows a lot about a bunch of bands i just download albums with the most interesting covers and i roll with it.


wings lee from eat more chicken

you are sitting now and looking at this picture thinking if it tastes as good as it looks and i'm saying this to you - it's fucking great. if i wouldn't be such a fat fuck i would only eat the whole portion in two days but since it's so delicious i eat it in 1.5 sittings (meaning i eat as much as i can, do something and come back to this bby). for 5 euros you get a bunch of chicken wings, delicious potatoes with a sauce and a drink which isn't your typical cola;)

weirdly enough i didn't watch any good movies/read any books, well, i can say that i liked the movie 'true story' which was about a man who maybe? killed his family and a journalist who became obsessed with him and this story. also, it's based on real life events. but that's that, recently i've been feeling like there are no good movies left for me to watch since i've seen so many. of course it's not true but it's just hard for me to find anything that great.

paris pt.1

saturday, the 13th.
me and my friend were both tired but had to somehow get from the airport to our hotel. so after getting from our plane we got to our bus which drove us to porte maillot and from there we got to a metro station. we bought 10 tickets (which was a mistake since we barely used up 6 of them) and started driving. we didn't know how the metro worked so we failed the first time but it was all fine when we asked the workers there how to drive to our metro station.
we got outside and easily found our hotel which was near us, registered into our room and dropped down on our beds. we really wanted to eat something so we found a supermarket near us and bought some pastries, potato chips and so on. came back, at a little. i don't remember if we slept then for a bit (i think we did) or if we went out, but yeah, we found on the map that we are close to sacre coeur so we went out.
the view we saw from the top was incredible, i don't think i will ever forget how beutiful everything looked and how happy i felt right at that moment. basilica was also huge and beautiful (and the entry was free). that day we also went to see moulin rouge which was just a windmill but i love that on both sides of the streets were sex shops, they were hilarious. we also explored montmartre which was such a quiet and beautiful place. before heading back home we found a little park and sat there for a while.
sunday, the 14th.
we were so excited to explore that we went the second day and saw pretty much every other popular touristy thing there was to see in paris. firstly we went to louvre, not the actual museum but the outside of it. i have to say, the view was so amazing, the weather was incredible too. after we took a bunch of photos we went on to the park nearby.

the park looked like something i've seen in movies, people were sitting in chairs, reading, smoking, enjoying that beautiful day. children were playing with they parents football, old people were discussing something in their beautiful french language. i was so in love with paris at that moment.
and when we walked through the park we saw the eiffel tower for the first time, have to say even though it is such a touristy thing but we got super excited and decided for our next destination to be that.
we saw a bunch of wonderful things while going to the eiffel tower, but at that moment we were so tired/it was so hot that the excitement kind of wore off, also my feet were hurting so much, i don't think i've ever walked so much in my entire life.
but we reached it! it got bigger and bigger with every street we passed. have to say - louvre was much more exciting because everywhere you looked it was beautiful and the eiffel tower was just.. there. standing. people taking photos and then going away. the music and smell was also weird since there were a few places to buy some food on both sides and it just reminded us of those 'celebrations' in our city with horrible music and weird smelling food. but we had some pictures to send to our moms which was great and we headed home. in an hour and a half we were back home and we wanted to die because we didn't eat much that day and everything was hurting. i guess we are just too old for travelling.
monday, the 15th.
we couldn't believe it was only monday because we had seen so much already. but we had a few more places to visit so we headed to latin quarter. my friend was told to visit this place because it was soo amazing yet no one told us what to look for in there :D so, we firstly headed to notre-dame cathedral, of course we saw some amazing things while going to it, i mostly loved the fountains everywhere, they really spent so much time on every little detail.
so, that's notre-dame for you. yet we didn't go inside of it since the line was CRAZY i don't think i've ever seen so many people standing in line ever. we sat for a while and headed to sainte-chapelle which is famous for it's stained glass collection.
this was the exit for this chapel. yup, everything looked that beautiful in real life too.
the entry was actually 10 euros but since we were citizens of EU and we were under 25 (or 26?) we got in for free. at first it doesn't look that incredible but then you get to the second floor and bam.
after that we sat on a bench because we wanted to check how to get to that latin quarter and we met an old french man and talked to him for 15 minutes about paris, about our country and french and english languages. then we started going to that quarter. we were hoping to find something amazing there but.. it was just a bunch of streets. of course, they were beautiful but we were hoping to find something. we sat for a while and went to a chinese restaurant to eat, we paid 8.90 euros for chicken curry, egg rolls (my friend for salad) and then a weird looking cookie. we were amazed how cheap it was. after that we to jardin du luxembourg which was so beautiful, i don't think i've ever seen something like that. and there were a bunch of palm trees which i loove.
we saw this weird beach type of thing while going down the street, people were tanning and showering in the middle of the city.
we were heading home but before that we accidentally found my favourite spot in paris - a book/vinyl shop. everything there was for around 0.50 euro cents to 5 euros. we spent a good half an hour or maybe even more in there and i got a vinyl named 'european bird sounds', have to say, it's interesting to listen to bird sounds while doing something else. i also got a humorous book of weird drawings and i told myself i'll translate everything to either english or lithuanian when i'm back in my dorm. also that day i bought myself a white shopping bag with a drawing on it and a text saying 'les bouquinistes des quais de paris' which translates to booksellers of paris docks and if you're interested where i got this, google that translation and hit images.