a trip to warsaw (june 27-29th)

me and my boyfriend decided that this summer we will travel to a few countries we haven't visited before. the first trip was a small one - with all the driving backand forth it was about 3 days long. We drove with luxexpress (a famous international bus company) so it took us 8 hours to get from vilnius to warsaw. we began our trip early in the morning, thankfully the weather was nice. during the trip drinks were for free, there was, of course, a toilet and every seat had their own ipad type of thingy where you could watch a bunch of movies, play games or listen to music. it also had a wifi which is always a plus.
going there took forever and we quickly got bored and couldn't wait to finally come. there was some road work being done so it took 9 full hours which was quite painful. not only that but poland in general isn't picturesque so views from the window made us think whether we will regret going to warsaw or not (keep in mind we haven't researched anything before so we didn't know how warsaw looked like).
the first normal picture that i took was this - warsaw from far away.
we finally stopped and views were breathtaking, of course they were of skyscrapers and architecture.we then had to find our apartment which we rented on airbnb and after about 30 to 45 minutes we checked in.
this apartment is a dream come true, while staying there i was thinking how one day i could have something similar to this since it's so wonderful yet simple.
that's when our trip started. we got ourselves ready and planned to slowly go towards the old town and find a bar which i've heard was near the river.
every few minutes we stopped to say "wow" because it really was so amazing. the best thing is that we had no expectations beforehand which, i think, made this trip much more interesting. the old town was huge and so beautiful and what i love the most was that although it was tuesday or wednesday, there were so many people out with their friends/family and people in bars having fun. loved how vivid this city was, that's what i'm trying to say:D
we walked for about 2 hours and decided to head to the river. that wasn't easy because they were roadworks which made it hard to make it to the river. we even, at one point, decided to give up and go home since it was already quite late and we were tired BUT WE DIDN'T and we were so glad.
this bar was also fullof people, young and old, full of cute puppies and you could choose to sit next to this bar and dj or go down and sit right next to the river.
after staying there for a bit we headed to a shop which was complicated since small shops had cashiers who only spoke polish and weren't pleased to hear any english words but we managed.
next day! and our final day. we woke up super excited to see everything else this city has to offer but were greeted with rain. not going to lie, drinking coffee and looking out the window was just too good to be angryabout the weather. but god heard our prayers and it got beautiful in half an hour and it was hot af. we took out our shorts and went out. we wandered around our place but found nothing picturesque enough and headed toward an art gallery we wanted to check. but before we saw some amazing sights, like this huuuge park with a pond in the middle.
warsaw was so modern and everywhere we went we saw "office people" with their little cases heading to work. idk i might be crazy but skyscrapers and office people are cute to me:-)
the place that we wanted to visit is called "palace of culture and science" (the one on the left). when we got there everything was super confusing and we got tickets to see panoramic view ofthe city (don't remember the price but i know it wasn't worth it).
aand we found out that they're holding an exhibition of andy warhol and dali's work. i screamed when i saw that and paid about 10 euros for that and was so excited. it literally had everything - paintings, vinyl records, short movies, literal sofas and decorations, even perfume to smell.
so that was great but we got super hungry and decided to go to pizza hut and take it out to a park near us. pizza wasn't that good but i loved this park. we went home for a bit because our feet were hurting from walking too much and stayed for a bit. we wanted to go to soho factory but it was closed which was disappointing. we went out to another art gallery though - a contemporary art gallery (Zacheta National Gallery) here were two exhibitions, one of them left a huge impression to me and the other was quite meh buuuuuut they cost only 1 euro! i don't have my own photos but i'll upload these from the interwebs.

Mircea Suciu nuotrauka.
"Beyond The Pleasure Principle / Affective Operations"
when we went out it started raining heavily so we went to a small bar and got some craft beer which was crazy delicious and was only 2 euros! aand after that we stayed outside, waited but realized that it will not stop raining so we went to dunkin donuts, got a bunch of donuts for tomorrows trip back and ran back home.
that's it! that's the trip. it was incredibly great and i'd love to visit warsaw again:)

outfit #14

leather jacket - zara
t-shirt - alexander wang
jeans - pull&bear
sneakers - thrifted