current reads.

1. breakfast with socrates by robert rowland smith. 
on the back it says that this book is about simple philosophy in everyday life. i got it from the library because it's been photographed all over the instagram and me, being the white girl i am, had to get it.
2. brave new world by aldous huxley. 
been wanting to read this for at least 2 years since it's become quite a classic in readers community. only read one book by him - ape and essence but it was more of a fun read than trying to understand the meaning behind it, most likely will re-read it someday.
3. the psychopath test by jon ronson. 
i've read about it a while back so whilst reading it i noticed information i already knew but the first 50 pages i read seemed interesting. would recommend it for those who are interested in psychopaths and for those who are simply interested in psychology.
4. foucault's pendulum by umberto eco.
heard about it in one of my lectures and since i've read the name of the rose i've been interested in reading his other works.

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